Meridian Map
Meridians are the “ENERGY HIGHWAYS” as I call them. Qi flows continuously from one meridian to another. Any break in the flow is an indication of imbalance. If a person’s vitality or energy is diminished it is an indication that the body’s organs or tissues are functioning poorly, therefore the Qi flow is not flowing smoothly.
The meridian healing system is based on the that an insufficient supply of Qi makes a person more open to disease or illness. It is important to Restore the Qi to a steady healthy flow to correct the overall health and well being of the client.
There are twelve major meridians that correspond to specific human organs: kidneys, liver, spleen, pericardium, heart, lungs, bladder, gall bladder, stomach, small and large intestines, and San Jiao or the triple burner (body temperature regulator). Yin meridians flow upwards. Yang meridians flow downwards. Pathways corresponding to the Yang organ is often used to treat disorders of its related Yin organ.
Meridians can be mapped throughout the body; they flow within the body not on the surface, meridians exist in pairs and each meridian has many acupuncture or pressure points along its path.
The individual meridians themselves are often described as ‘channels’ or ‘vessels’ which reflects carrying, holding, or transporting qi, blood, and body fluids around the body.
It is easy to think of the meridians of the human body the same way as we think of the circulatory system, as the meridians are responsible for the distribution of the basic substances throughout the body just like the circulatory system, but it makes more sense to consider the meridian system as an energetic distribution network.
I am quite knowledgeable about these meridian channels, just as much as the Western Doctor is about anatomy and physiology of the physical body (of which I am also quite knowledgeable) !! A Spiritual or Reiki Healer such as myself must know how and where to access the Qi energy of the body to facilitate the healing process, which I do:)
There are twelve main meridians, or invisible channels, throughout the body with Qi flows. Each limb is traversed by six channels, three Yin channels on the inside, and three Yang channels on the outside. Each of the twelve regular channels corresponds to the five Yin organs, the six Yang organs.
Each meridian is a Yin Yang pair, meaning each Yin organ is paired with its corresponding Yang Organ: the Yin Lung organ, for example, corresponds with the Yang large intestine.
Qi flows through the twelve regular meridians or channels as listed:
- First and foremost, at the top
- Secondly, another item
- Thirdly, a concise point
- Fourth, a bit more description
- Fifth, an item added for emphasis
- Finally, we’ve reached the end of the list
“The individual meridians themselves are often described as ‘channels’ or ‘vessels’ which reflects carrying, holding, or transporting qi, blood and body fluids around the body.”